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IDEAScript Discussion


A forum for general discussion/comments on IDEAScript

Update of Multiple Import Script

I just posted an update to the script, several things have been added / changed.

KrisW who is a member made some changes to the script so it will now read the new version of MS Access Files and KrisW found a problem that the script wasn't picking up all the different types of excel files in a directory and fixed that.  Thanks Kris!!

Remove strings within brackets

Hi,Hoping someone could help me with this. I am trying to figure out a way to remove all strings within brackets in a specified column so for example:Original data - Remove (Sep 09-10) strings (Oct 09-10) within (Nov 09-10) brackets (Dec 09-10).
Required data - Remove strings within brackets.I hope this makes sense and help would be much appreciated.Thanks,Salman

New Utility Script Added - Fill Down

Sometimes you might import a file, such as an excel file in which information is missing from a cell.  The reason could be that the Excel spreadsheet was set-up as a report instead of an actual spreadsheet.  Within the Report Reader we have the option to grab information from previous rows in cases that the information is missing, unfortunately this is not the case with Excel or other import types.  Currently if you have this problem you usually have to bring the spreadsheet into IDEA, export it as a text report then use the Report Reader to populate the missing data, this

Calculate distance using longitude and latitude

I was hoping you can help me with the above. I have longitude and latitude for several different locations and would like to calculate the distance between them. I know we have functions like Cos, Sin and Tan to enable us to do this however I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. I have found similar scripts for VB but have been unsuccessful trying to incorporate it into IDEAScript.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and please let me know if you require any further information.

2 scripting problems, droplistbox, merging records

Hi everyone,
i have 2 problems which i could not manage to get solved yet and i hope you can help me finally solving the puzzle.
1. Droplistbox
I am using (multiple) droplistbox to select different IDEA-DB files, to execute some special scripts i have developed. The droplistbox is filled with an array of IDEA-DB files in the working directory.


Hi Brian,
I have created an extraction in IDEA. My task now is to automate it by creating a menu / dialog box for the user. How am I able to trigger a pushbutton and display the direct extraction result via IDEAScript. Example, I have a pushbutton called 'A'. If 'A' button is pushed, the extraction result will be displayed.  Same goes with button 'B', 'C' and so on. Should I also put a Do..Until / Select..Case loop in this situation. 
Any help with sample scripts would be great here.

Append files

Dear Brian,
quick question about appending.  I have  four databases with 178 columns each (same headers) from 4 different systems. I have tried to append them but keep getting the message that fields are not in the same format. You can only imagine the pain of checking all fields on all dbases. I wonder why Idea's guys don't provide more infos on ALL inconsistent fields.  I had to use excel and then import

Extracting Reversed payments

I have a table with close to 300,000 rows, and full of reversed payments and then the some payments are corrected, as show on the file on my dropbox  .   How would I go about this? Does it require writing a IDEA script or just @function ? Please help with detailed steps. 

IDEA Script extract data off IDEA Server or other servers

Hi All
Is it possibel to write a script that will pull data automatically off a server. Also how does ODBC work, is this a connection to a server to retrieve data. And lastly to clarify, to use IDEA Server, I would need to connect from my desktop to the IDEA Server and work off there?
Thank you