The @Val() and @CurVal() Functions in IDEA
Hello Group Members,
String refers to the character expression or field containing numbers to be converted into the numeric data type to facilitate further numerical analytics in IDEA.
For numeric values stored as a character data-type with formatting symbols such as decimals and thousands separator, use @CurVal to remove the formatting symbols.
So let us say you have a number 1,23,456.79 stored as a character which needs to be converted to a number. In 123 456.79 ~ the space between 123 and 456 is the thousand separator to be removed and the , is the decimal separator to be converted to the standard decimal.
So to convert 123 456,79 to 123456.79 use @CurVal(1,23,456.79, " ", ",") This will remove blank as the thousand separator and place . as decimal separator in place of ,
Best Regards
Group Admin Team