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Top Records Extraction Exclusion

I just added this script to the library.  It is based on a suggestion from a participant at an Advanced IDEA course.  The thought was that the Top Records Extraction was a nice feature but it would also be handy to have all the transactions that are not part of the Top Records Extraction.  Of course you could do this with a join but then you probably have to add a field so that you would have a comment field to perform the join on.  So it is easily done but in several steps.  This script allows you to perform the Top Records Extraction and also create a file of the excluded records in one pass.  This script is interesting as I have used the Top Records Extraction dialog to perform a lot of the work, this saved a lot of time and was very easy to do.  Many people may not realized this but you can piggy back the IDEA dialogs onto your scripts to save time.  You can find the new script at the link below.