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IDEAScript Questions

Dialog Boxes

Hi, I am back once again. Have been working on the script and its been smooth with serveral ups and downs.
The current issue I am facing is that I cannot seem to store information within an object and I have the same error coming back to me each time.
My Dialog box's name is NewDialogX
sFieldName = listBox1$(NewDialogX.DialogBoxDropListBox2)
Error : Invalid Qualifier
If I were to remove NewDialogX the code runs but no information will be store in sFieldName.
p.s I ran a message box right after this.

Browse windows to select item

Hi Brain, 
How are you doing? can you help me with a bit of script? I'm trying to get browse window to select a file. I already found a bit of script that lets you select a folder, but i need to select the file. I'm having problems converting the script to let me select a file instead of a folder.
Function BrowseFolder() Dim oFolder, oFolderItem Dim oPath, oShell, strPath, item Dim msg As String

How to compile a script

Hi folks,
Hoping you can help as I'm struggling to get this script to run and being fairly new to scripting (I've only compiled a couple before), I was hoping to get some help on what I'm doing wrong.
I've attached the script I'm trying to run, which is a composite of all the IDEA scripts for each stage of the process I want to automate. The problem I'm having is is keeps telling me I haven't defined my database names; I tried to do this using Dim but it still didn't work no matter what I entered so I removed it.

IDEAScripting with Dialogs

Greetings! (edited)  This is my first post after a year being a member.
I am working in a yearly project and because of that I programmed everything in IDEA.  My Project Manager asked me to program everything in a way that anyone, with little IDEA knowledge, can run it.  I have many IDEAScripts that I wrote to perform all the analysis.  Now I added dialogs to make it easier.  Everything runs great without errors. Almost perfect! But (there's always a but)... 

How to export history from databases using IDEA script?

Hi All,
I completed a few group projects via using IDEA macro, while I need to export the history, PDF version, from databases manaually for documentation purposes.
I read Language Browser for help, and it seems no introduction on that is about history export.
How could I get the history from databases automatically rather than manaually exporting them one by one?
Seeking for your advice.