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IDEAScript Questions

Finding the min and max of a date range

Hi Brian,
I want to write a script or a custom function to find the Min or Max value date range for a particular criteria
For Eg:- in File 1 i have the following data. 










I have another file which has vendor codes alone. I want the output as under

Latest date
Earliest date

Customize Ribbon with Script

I've been looking into this and haven't found out one way or another, but is there a way to use a script to customize the ribbon? I'm looking to install a series of IDEA scripts on multiple user computers and it would be great if I can just have them run a script that does all the customizations of their ribbon so they can use all of the other scripts quickly. 
Any help that can be provided on this would be appreciated. 

Monetary Unit Sampling

I am an advanced beginner with VBA and novice IDEAScript writing.
I am trying to set-up a macro that prompts the user to select their file from a shared network drive and then process a plan and select the sample. I tried to re-work the process by recording a macro and reviewing the script.
Below I have copied the script generated from the macro. The deficiencies compared to what I would like to achieve are:
(1) Display a prompt allowing the user to select any file type via any file path

Sort column

I need to search through a column at an IDEA base by a value. In order to easy my work, I would like to sort this column first, the same way when you create an index just by clicking at the header of the column.
My question, is there a way to create an "Index" using ideascripting or any other way to sort the columns's rows?

update textbox text

I have created an interface with a textbox. I want to refresh the text of this texbox with the "progress status" of the script ( the script execution manage billions data and can last 10 hours).
I try to use the dlgtexbox with no success. I can easyly define the intial content, but not update it whitout action of the user.
It is possible to change the textbox content ?
Thanks (excuse my bad english, i'm french)

Change column position

Hello, i need help if it is possible.
I have 1 big batabase (like 400 columns and 8mil rows). I need to pick 120 specific columns a array theirs position. Im trying to do this using Extraction with task.AddField function and it work pretty good. But there is a problem i cant solve. When I save this new database using this Extraction and want to do some other activities with it (like new Extraction etc.) all arangement of colums will return to the state of the first big database (according to its history).