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IDEAScript Questions

Wrap character fields using script

There is an option to wrap character fields under View. User has to select a column and click on this option to enable it.
I have to show a description field in my output file which is generated through idea script.
Width of this column is 200 and there are some other columns.  While opening the output file, user will not be able to see other columns without moving scroll bar as the width of the column is high. Is there any way to wrap text of this column programmatically?

How to use variables in formulas?

Hi Brian,
I have recorded a makro which includes a criterion that looks like this:
task.AddExtraction dbName, "", "(betrag <= @FieldStatistics(""BETRAG"";11)-2*@FieldStatistics(""BETRAG"";18)) .OR. (BETRAG>=-@FieldStatistics(""BETRAG"";11)+2*@FieldStatistics(""BETRAG"";18))"
In order to make it more flexible, I want to define the field name "BETRAG" as variable (part of an array). The name of the variable is Fields(3). It should look like this:

Problem when using criteria and count function

First, excuse my bad english, i'm french :-)
I discover idea script, i have a lot of request to do in a big table. (> 100 000 records).
So i want to use "criteria" with a recordset.
like : rs.criteria " XXXX > 20150101 "
I have a problem :
My equation is ok, and when i browse my recordset the filter is ok (
But i browse the result with a loop like " While i < rs.Count"
The problem is : rs.Count don't return the number of record which match the criteria, but the whole records... So my loop don't work

Multiple Drop Down Combo Boxes

I have a dialog that has multiple drop down combo boxes. These combo boxes share a similar attached list and I am trying to figure out a way to prevent the user from selecting the same value on multiple combo boxes. Basically a value can only be used once and I am trying to write the code to check if the user has duplicated a selection. Any advice/help anyone can offer is really appreciated.

Issue with outer join having blank fields

I am facing an issue with full outer joining of 2 files.I am joining with 2 matching columns.  Blank fields in both files are considered as match and produced a combined row in the joined file.
Attached excel is having 4 sheets.
First 2 are primary and secondary
3rd - Actual output file after joining
4th- Expected output
Joining fields