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IDEAScript Questions

Using variable for start date

I have a macro that I use on a weekly basis. In the macro I have a spot for an input date for the weekly analytics. This input date is always the previous Monday date, for example next week when I run the macro the input date will be 03/07/2022. 
I also have an input date for analytics where I use five weeks of data. This input date is always the fifth Monday from the current Monday, for example next Monday the input date will be 02/07/2022. 

DIalog box (How to change orders based on tab key on the keyboard)

Hi Brian,
I hope you are doing great.
I have created a dialog box in a few days so I added a couple of keys and editbox in diffrenet places on my dialog box.
When we run the dialog to fill the blank boxes out, if we use tab key on the keyboard, the orders is based on the order we have created.
For instance, afterI filling out the project name, it goes to Help button, then it goes to Entity codes and so on. Is it possible to change the orders based on the order on my dialog box?

Dialog Box (Updating the extraction with the variables)

Hi everyone,
I hope you are doing great.
I have got some errors while I was updating some extraction with defined variables.
Below are some examples:
036 is character (because of leading zero)
"ENTITY" is a cloumn name (we did not define field names in the dialog box) but "sEntity" is defined for entity number.
How can I update "036" with "sEntity"?
-- task.AddExtraction dbName, "", "ENTITY == ""036"""
I tried below, for instance, but it did not work.

Processing 70 million records in iIDEA,

I am processing 70 million records in iIDEA, the PC becomes very slow when trying to join the table that has 70 million records with the header table to get the accounting movements of a period, the question is, would I have to change the PC for one with higher processing power and more memory? Well, this union lasts approximately more than 8 hours, where I had to reset the PC and it does not make the union. The union is made between the transaction account and the header account.
what dou you recommend ?

Global variable for all functions in a macro

I need two variables that can be used in the two different functions within my macro, but instead of defining the variables within each function, I would like to define them at the begining and make them usable for all functions, but I cannot make it work. Somebody that has done this before? Thanks
Sub Main
'define variables  
Dim Qtr As String
Dim FY As String
Qtr = "Q4"
FY = "21"
Call TopNExtraction()'T&E Report - Q4 FY21.IMD
Call AppendField()'T&E Report List.IMD
End Sub

Sort Excel Column

Hello all,
I have been trying to sort a column from an excel file.  I have a bit of code that is able to do number formatting as well as other formatting but I cant find anything that is for sorting.  The one thing that I did find wants to use Range and I am getting errors when I run the script.
Here is what I have so far.  I have also tried to use oSheet.Range.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets.Item(1)