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Postings from the India IDEA data Analysis software users group


This forum will contian tips from the India IDEA Data Analysis Software Users Group. If you are interested in joining them you can find them on google groups at

Duplicates ~ Non Duplicates ~ Unique Records

Hello Group Members,
Let us look at simple methods to identify Duplicates, Non - Duplicates and Unique Records with an example in the post today.
Say you have a data file in IDEA with the fields TXN REF NO, CENTRE, DATE and AMOUNT.
The sample entry view looks like below ~
1, DEL, 15.01.19, 500
2, MUM, 20.01.19, 7

Converting Date Fields in Character Format to Date Format

Hello Group Members,
Date fields in an IDEA database may appear within IDEA post import in Character format. This precludes Date based analytics since the field is in a Character format.
There are two ways we can convert the Date field in a Character format to a Date format.
One - Modify the existing field ~ change the field type from Character to Date and enter a suitable mask to mimic the Date.