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3rd Party Videos


Vidoes that I have found that might be of interest.

Using @Python Function in IDEA

If you are interested in learning how to use the @Python function I recommend you check out this video.  The video is an hour long but it covers many of the different problems that you might have (and how to fix them).  I enjoyed the section with using the date.

Fraud Analysis and Detection: Using Benfords Law and Other Techniques

I found this video on YouTube, it is a pretty good explanation of Benfords Law and how to use it. They also talk about real world examples of how Benfords Law was used to find fraud.  The demo uses ACL and Excel but you can easily do the same thing in IDEA.

SAF Business Analtyics V10 IDEA videos

This is the University of Waterloo School of Accounting and Finance YouTube channel for business analytics. Kieng Iv who is a professor at Waterloo has created these videos for his classes.  He has allowed me to share them with you.  Thanks Kieng.

Introduction to IDEA V10 - Lesson 01 (The IDEA Software)

Introduction to IDEA V10 - Lesson 02 (Importing Data)

University of Miami Automates Purchase Card Review Process

Interesting video, one thing I don't like as an IDEA scripter is that they did not modify the script but took it right from the help without changing any of the hard coded names.  So each time they run the script they have to clean out all the previous results before they can run the script again.  Also as all the parameters are hardcoded they have to go into the script to change anything, not what I would usually want to have a user do.  Saying all that it does show you how easy it is in creating a script directly from the history that can be used.