convert unix time string
I have created an IDEAScript that searches through an external folder for certain parts of filenames.
The names of the log messages are always in format
In other words, i created a IDEAScript Macro that splits the filnames by separator _ to determine the values and write them to a CSV file.
One of the areas e.g. info1 contains allways a UNIX timestamp in seconds starting from 01/01/1970 00:00:00.
Within IDEA there are the functions @dotj or @jtod, which converts this numbers into a real Date (if you add the seconds from 01.01.1900 to 01.01.1970).
It seems unnecessary and cumbersome to me to write the filename separations into a CSV, then import this file to IDEA, add a field with the converted Date via @dotj and export this file into csv via IDEA into an csv again.
Hence the question:
Is it possible to convert this value(UNIXTimestamp) in a human-readable format e.g. Example "outside" from imported Databases via IDEAScript?
I have tryed endless variants such as Example DateAdd or CDate but without success.
In the end I would like to import the log files into IDEA. However, the import should be limited to a certain period, which is determined on the basis of the UNIXTime conversion.
Thx for Help,
Hello Torsten, maybe the…
Hello Torsten,
maybe the attached code will help you. Indentations are unfortunately lost when copied into the forum.
Hi Torsten,There probably is…
Hi Torsten,
There probably is, but looking around there is 10 digit and 13 digit unix codes. Can you give some examples of the unix codes so that I have something to work with.