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Outlier Detection Using Machine Learning

Has this resource been remove?…
Thank you,
Rich O'Hara
Scranton, PA

Brian Element Wed, 12/16/2020 - 14:20

Yes it has, it can now be found in the IDEA Lab which is part of IDEA.  You need IDEA V 11.1 or higher.  Ther eis a ribbon called IDEA Lab, select it and click on the link that opens your browser to the IDEA Lab where you can download the outlier plugin.

MJ_Collinz Tue, 02/09/2021 - 10:46

I installed Outliers in Idea 11.2. When I launch, the program unpacks every time and I receive an error message telling me it cannot write to the Idea Lab folder.

Brian Element Tue, 02/09/2021 - 10:57

Also you need to run it through IDEA and not directly.  If you open IDEA and select the IDEA Lab ribbon there should be an item to select the outliers test.