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Two Way & Three Way Match

Hi Brian
It has been a while. I downloaded the videos on the credit card fraud using caseware monitor and I was really impressed. I need some help with a custom script again please.
I need to compare multiple databases to determine if data has moved from 1 database to the next. In each of the databases the unique identifier / key is a purchase order number (po number).The comparison is for a typical 5 way match i.e. Purchase Requisition To Purchase Order To Goods Received Note To Invoice To Payment.
For each match I need to compare purchase order number, description and quantity.In some cases I may need to only do a 3 way match i.e. Purchase Order To Goods Received Note To Invoice. I also need if possible an option of which databases to compare, thus sometimes it could be a 2 way match.
I have done this before using mutltiple joins but am looking for a simpler approach.
Please can you assist. I am still using IDEA 8.5.
Thank you in advance.RegardsAveen

Brian Element Mon, 09/09/2013 - 20:50

Hi Aveen,

Welcome back.  This sounds like a good scripting project.  It might take a bit of time as I have several other projects on the go right now.  Anychance you can attach some sample data so I have some data to play with.  You can change the information or just do an extract of some records and attach them here so I have something to work for. 


aveenm293 Wed, 09/11/2013 - 09:49

In reply to by Brian Element

Hi Brian
I have created some sample data for Purchase Orders, Good Received, and Payments. The Purchase Requsition and Invoices would look the same and thus I have not created sample data for this.
Thank you

Brian Element Wed, 09/11/2013 - 11:29

Thanks Aveen,

Can you email it to  So just to make sure I understand this.  For each one of the files you would perform a join by PO number and then in each new file you would compare  the description and quanitity and pull out any that have changes?  You could do this for all five files or just two of the five.  Now would the field names stay the same in each file?