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.NOT. @isini for multiple strings

Hi... new here and to IDEA, I finally found this equation to exclude any Description that contains the word "lease": .NOT. @isini("lease",  DESCRIPTION )   
My question: how can I write an equation to find and exlude multiple strings?  I've tried everything I can think of and none of my attempts are working.  For exmaple, I want to exclude any record where Description contains any of the following: lease, concession, ledger, inspection, or insurance.  I actually have a total of 33 keywords I want to exclude, this is just a small list for an example.  Thank you!

klmi Mon, 02/26/2024 - 07:12

.NOT. (@isini("lease",  DESCRIPTION ) .OR. @isini("concession",  DESCRIPTION ) .OR. @isini("ledger",  DESCRIPTION ) .OR. @isini("inspection",  DESCRIPTION ) .OR. @isini("insurance",  DESCRIPTION ))

Your equation must not exeed 10.000 chars!

edit: missing dot added