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Questions on Importing

Ideascripting. Pass comma separated values to a SQL Query

Sometime ago I asked on how could I use an IDEA table as the argument for a SQL QUERY, cause  We use to import via ODBC, using a sQL Query like:
Select * from A, B where A.ID=B.ID and A.prod_num in ('10','20','30') and between '20180101' and '20180131' 
Using the example you gave me sometime ago I use an Idea form where I can input date1 and date2. In this moment I just have to query by prod_nubmer but what if I need to pass at least 5 prod_nums? Can I use a textbox to input more than one of them?

Error on importing data from SQL Server by ideascript

Hi there.
I'm imported some info from a SQL Server, wich uses LDAP trusted authentication, so I don´t need to provide any credential (user or password), just to log on in Active Directory. I copy the script generated in History, copy, paste and execute and it throws this error message: Acces Denied.
This is the code: 
Sub Main
Call ODBCImport()'
End Sub
Function ODBCImport

ODBC Import with filename in a directory

Hi Brain, 
How are you? Is it possible to help me a second time :)
Thanks again for your answer on my previews question. I have a new one that is driving me bonkers!
I have got Visual FoxPro files that need to be imported so that i can join a couple of tables. Visual FoxPro Databases are controlled by a DBC file that changes every time. Importing is only possible with the ODBC connection and that is working perfectly.  

How to import data from IDEA file without using IDEA

I have a requirement to accept IDEA file (IDM/IMD) as a source of data to import in my application. But IDEA will not be installed anywhere. Is there anyway to read IDEA file with my code (mostly .net) without installing any IDEA components?

Converting PDF File in an IDEA Script

I have a PDF file that IDEA initially cannot read because of some security controls that are built into the file, but the control is not a password (it is because the file was already digitally signed).We have found that we can convert this original PDF file to Word and then back to PDF and IDEA can then read the converted PDF file.

Making use of a source file path variable

Hi there,
I recently moved from ACL to IDEA, so I'm in the process of learning.
After having searched for some time I couldn't really find an answer to the following question.
So I have 3 different source files I would like to import. After creating the script I want to be able to share my IDEA project with scripts (macro's) with a colleague. The goal is for that colleague to run the macro's without modifying the scripts (or at least bring it back to a minimum).
So in ACL I could make use of variables. Is that possible in IDEA as well?

Importing PDF - column value floating

Hi everyone from the forum.
Since I started work with IDEA I faced some situations that seams common on day a day work. One of then occurs importing pdf files, where one of the columns is filled with text values, that sometimes fill more than one line and do not apresent a pattern.
In this case, it's very hard o match each line with the correct field, that in the most of the cases is divided in more than one row, only by using layers.

Difficult PDF File Imports

I am trying to import a number of difficult PDFs but am running into many problems.
-The PDFs dont have identical alignment of fields for trapping.-The fields recorded aren't always identical-Some data lines ocasioanally run accorss multiple lines-Difficulty eliminating headers/footers when records cross pages
Is it possible to import files structured in this way?
See sample image
Kind Regards


Import .XML files using .XSD files as schemas

I've been trying to import a .XML file to IDEA using the import wizard tool, but I don't get the expected outcome, instead of 59 fields I get more than 300. The issue might be that IDEA is not taking into account the schema files when importing the .XML file.
Is there a way of import one XML file to IDEA and apply 5 different schemas (in 5 diferente .XSD files)?
Thanks in advance.