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IDEAScript Questions

IDEA Script sometimes Crashes - Shows Internal Error on line XX

I've written a fairly lengthy script (1,957 lines) to perform my weekly Credit Card Monitoring tasks. The problem I have is that sometimes the script runs to completion with no errors but sometimes I get an "Internal Error at line xxx" (line xxx will sometimes be Line 320, sometimes line 865, etc.

Load a saved equation using a script

Hi IDEAScripting, 
I hope you are all well.  I developed IDEA Scripts for a complete audit project back in 2017.  Brian has helped me before on this project.  Back in 2020, I switched audit teams, and my old team continued using my programming every year as they have to do it.  I help them every year to setup the files, remind them what to do, and edit some formulas that I hardcoded in the scripts. 

Accessing multiple Idea Databases

I have a process that comes out of the smart analyzer that builds a what I will call a  base database.  Let's call it DB.  It then builds DB(1) DB(2) etc..  I want to programmatically concatenate then into one database.  The number of databases underneath the base is not the same.
I see two ways of doing it. 

Is there a way to convert a column with multiple group names into multiple rows?

I have a file that adds multiple user groups for a user into one column.  I am wondering if there is a way to split that cell into multiple rows so the user will show mulitple times with each individual group name.  I have attached an example of what I have and what I want it to look like.  Thanks!

Converting Julian Dates (YYYYDDD) to Gregorian Dates (AAAAMMDD)

What are the best practices for converting a Julian format date into a regtular dates?  From this YYYYDDD to this AAAAMMDDIf possible, I would like to get an answer that could be easily applied by a not very tech savvy user I am supporting.

As in string

Hi all. I am struggling with ideascript. I am trying to exclude certain default postcodes and when I have them within quotes it automatically tries to recognise AS as As. So when I search for postcode = "XX1 1AS" it changes it to postcode = "XX1 1As" it still does it when I try all @lower or @upper.

Updating a field from a secondary database

I am trying to accomplish the process described below.  I tried it by adding a new field to the master db and doing a database lookup on the wildcard table.  The lookup was successful but I was not sure how to get the value from the wildcard table to add to the new field.  I should have kept the code to post.  I believe I needed to get values from two tables but could only get them from one.