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IDEAScript Questions

Obtaining user details

I have been trying to find a way to get the user details to pre-load a dialogbox with a possible path - eg C:\Users\jdgoodchild\Documents\IDEA9\Exports.ILB
Using set userprofile at a DOS prompt, I get USERPROFILE=C:\Users\jdgoodchild - just what I want. So I tried
Sub Main
Dim wshShell
Dim wshSystemEnv
Dim WScript
Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

How to use optional field to sort or index?

I wanted to use a drop down list to select some columns and these are not mandatory selection, for example there are five criteria's provided, if user selected all 5 criteria (tagged 5 column/fields) I want to use all five fields to sort/create index and perform direct extraction using that index, if user tagged only one column then I need to sort the field using only that criteria and so on...
I am not sure how to use "task.addkey" in these conditions. Can anyone please help me with the code.
Thanks in advance,

Export a manualy selected range of records

first of all excuse my bad english.
I will export an IDEA file to excel. But I will only export the records I marked. (ctrl + left mouse klick)My idea is to mark the records (i.g. record-nr 1, 5 and 9) an then start a script to export only these records to excel. (or first to a temporary ideafile an then to excel)
Many thank for your help
Kind regards

Excel Export

I am working on creating my scripts to audit multiple systems at once. I am currently using Excel to perform this task but Corporate policy is directing me to move to IDEA. I have most of the scripting done but I am wanting to export multiple database files to one Excel file. I know this is possible if I were statified with .XLSX but I need it to be .XLSM. Do you know if this is possible?