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IDEAScript Questions

Call script with more 4 parameters

Hi all,
I have a problem with my Ideascript macros. I have a macro with different variables and object variables. So I want to send more than 4 variables to other macro but I can't. 
I see and read different solutions such as read variables from a text file (after writing) but I want to avoid use this solution...
Moreover, I didn't find a solution to send an object variable to an other Macro or may be it is not possible...

Script for On Error Resume Next in IDEA

Hi All,
Someone help me please, I want to join database A (Primary) and database B (Secondary) with "All Records in Primary File". My trouble is when in database B there is no records (this is cause depend on automatic script before) then the macro is stop.
May anyone can help me? is there any script like in excel (On Error Resume Next) to join those databases?
thank you

Bad equation provided on "task.PerformTask 1, db.Count"

I am trying to write a script for nested direct extractions and I name each extraction with a number included for which number in the sequence of nested extractions it is.  For example, I run an extraction on a database and call is EXTRACTION1, then I run a second extraction on EXTRACTION1 and call it EXTRACTION2.  When I get to the double digits of numbers I get an "Error on line 88 - bad equation provided".  On that line is "task.PerformTask 1, db.Count".  In other words, when I get to doing EXTRACTION10, the aforementioned code returns an error.

"Looping" IDEA Script Example

Hi Brian,
I have developed a script in ACL that uses a command called the GROUP command.  The GROUP command allows you to process a single record mulitple times and in effect, lets you set up a "loop" that allows you to do different types of data analysis tasks.
Is there a similar command in IDEA or is there a way I can accomplish this same thing using the IDEA scripting language? If you have an example IDEA script that you can point me to, that would be great.
Thanks so much in advance for your help!

How to append a field between 2 fields

I have to append a field between 2 fields.
Suppose I have fields like ID, NAME, SALARY, DEPARTMENT, PHONE etc in my database.
I have to add a new field NETSALARY between SALARY and DEPARTMENT fields. Equation for NETSALARY field will be (SALARY-500).
How can I do this using idea script?

Database Column Names

I am currently attempting to create a macro using IDEA script.
We bring in a chart of accounts database and join it with another database. To ensure consistency I want to modify the name of one of the fields each time. The naming of the field may vary each time it is imported.
For example:
The field will almsot always include the word description in the title. Is there a way to set the following with a variable/wildcard?

Accumulated Total and JE Number

I am trying to run a script that somebody else developed that creates an accumulated total field based on a user defined database and amount field and index and then create a journal number based on each set of transactions that the accumulated total nets to zero.
I am received the following error message "Error Code # 51, No cell Information", folowed by "Error on line 5999, No valid working directory"