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IDEAScript Questions


I'm new here and looking for an easy wildcard (hopefully the right term in English) in the database-name.
At the ? below It's not working with % or * or $ of "?" and I want to make one script for all years.
Part of the code:
Dim pad As String
Dim reg As String  
Dim db As Object
Dim dbName As String
pad         = Client.WorkingDirectory   


Let's try that again.
I'm trying to write a piece of code in ideascript that will open a word document and insert a file address at a bookmark location.
I'm getting an error message that the "Paramater is incorrect"
Any help on this would be appreciated
Here's the code:
 QBMail = "D:\IDEA\Test.docx"
MyAdd = D:\TemporaryLocation"
Set wrdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Open(QBMail)

Error number 51 - Unable to find a schema in database.

Hi Brian,
I get a strange Error message: "Analysis_PU_02_Duplicate_Name_Address_VATNumber",51,"Unable to find a schema in database."
I executed my script several times and 2 out of 5 times I get said error.
I always execute the script from the same folder and have the same working folder.
Here is my Code:
Function Analysis_PU_02_Duplicate_Name_Address_VATNumber
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler 

Call a script within another script

Hi all,
Can you call a Script within another script?
I have a Script that is >10.000 lines long. When I wanted to add new code the last time I got the message "symbol table is full". From that message I assume there is a limitation to the total length of one Script.
My idea is now to make a Master Script that calls different sub scripts. Is there any way to do this?
Best Regards

Add a user prompt for criteria?

Hi all, I am very new to IDEAScript/Caseware and I searched the forums before posting this question:
For the following code I want a dialog box that will pop up to ask the user for the dates rather than having to manually change it in the code; how to go about that?
Function DirectExtraction
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("PY_POPSDATA2.IDM")
Set task = db.Extraction

Check if a field is already there

Hi everyone,
is there any way to check whether a field is already contained in a database?
I want to check if a field is there and if not it appends the field. I tried table.getField, but this results in an error.
Here is the part of my code I mean:
Dim table As table
Dim field As field Set db = Client.OpenDatabase (dbname)
Set task = db.TableManagement
Set table = db.TableDef
Set field = table.getField("DUMMY_NAME") - This will result in an error if the field is not there