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IDEAScript Questions

Convert Filed to date using a mask inputted by user

Good morning,
I am trying to convert CHAR fields to DATE but I don't want to hadrwire the mask in the equation.
I have tried to wirte concatenate the variable with three and two "" but the result is the same.
Is there a way to let this work in this way? I am almost done with the macro and this is the last bit.
The bit coded is attached, thank you very much for your help.

Set decimal and thousands separator in csvDefinition

I am using a comparable code as mentioned in this post:
The code works and imports my csv file. However, in my original csv file the decimal separator is ".". When I now open my IMD file I can see that these are character columns displaying for example 9987.5. When I manually do the import I can set the options as mentioned in this post:

Doing joins in Loops

Hi Brian,
I have a file with user rights assigned to roles.
I have another file which has the conflicting user rights. this file has 2 columns T code and conflicting T code. i.e. If T code is F41 and conflicting T code is F56 it means that roles which have F41 assigned and also have F56 assigned are conflicting.
There are more than 100 items for which such conflicts have to be found and around 2500 combinations. 

User inputted value within formulas

I am trying to wrap up some inputted value within a formula using the following bit.
Hi there,
I have two bits:
1) This works fine
Function Starters
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("PAYROLL_DATABASE_COMPLETE.IMD")
Set task = db.Summarization
task.AddFieldToSummarize "PERSON_REFERENCE"
task.AddFieldToSummarize "SHORT_DESCRIPTION"
task.AddFieldToTotal "VALUE"
task.Criteria = "DATE_STARTED > @Ctod(""&dYear&"",""ddmmyyyy"")"
dbName = "Starters.IMD"
task.OutputDBName = dbName

Avoid adding sheetname to filename

I have the current import script:

Sub Main
Call ExcelImport()
End Sub

Function ExcelImport
Set task=Client.GetImportTask("ImportExcel")
Set task=Nothing
End Function

Look up value from list stored in a different database

Hi is there a way when using @isin or @isini to point to a list values stored in a different database?
I have a list of values created using the following code attached.
I need to sift through the GL transactions and pick up the transaction related to the names in the list.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,

Database name is "either invalid or currently in use"

Hello! I am trying to run the script which performs a joined database and summarisation. However, i am having issue with my summarisation where by the error message , i have try many ways to debug this but it doesn't seems to work. Wonder if anyone could kindly assist me on this! Thank you!