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IDEAScript Questions

Using a cell value as a parameter in another table extraction

Hey guys,

Im trying to extract values from a table with the criteria being that the values in the columns have to be >= 30. This parameter, however, can vary. I created a separate Excel-table containing this value to ensure that other people dont have to go into the code and change it there.

Selecting Database and Dialogs/Variable

I would like to add to my script a dialog box where the user selects the database that is to be opened and tested. I also want another dialog box where the user can enter a part of a output database name (like the year) and use that value in a variable to name part of the output table, if that makes sense.

So part of the output database name would be static, like Duplicates Payment Test and then add the variable for the year at the end.

Thanks in advance!

Database name is "either invalid or currently in use"

So far my code is pretty simple--it performs a join and extracts duplicates from the resulting database. However, I'm getting the following error when I go to perform the task in my duplicate extraction function:
"Invalid database name. The database name provided is either invalid or currently in use."

IdeaScript AppendField Error

Hey there, I have a problem appending a new field to my database.
I built a function that takes a string from my database I'm appending to, and gets a string from anouther database that I need to be the value in my new Field... I get a error on my "task.AppendField field" saying there is a syntax error
Option Explicit
Dim LedgerTransaction As Object
Dim LTRecordSet As Object
Dim LTRecord As Object
Dim EntryTypeDescription As String
Dim ColumnName As String
Dim Number As String
Dim LTtask As Object

Use @Getprevious on same column

In Row 1 we have the closing balance
In Row 2 we will be using the closing balance of Row 1 as opening balance + Purchase - consumption = Closing balance
In Row 3 the closing balance of Row 2 will become the opening balance and this will continue, untill a new item witn opening balance is provided.
If we use the get previous formula all the data get freesed in that column and we cannot recalculate the amount in the same column.

Get a Previous Cells value and add it to current cell

Hi Brian,If i want get a cells value & then add it to the preious cell and keep on populating a column like that. Would it be possible ? For eg. in MS Excel, the same formula would like this = Coln A | Coln B| Coln C| 12               2             22               4            coln C = 12 + 4 = 16  ----- i.e.

problem with decimals when reading PDF

Thanks in advance Brian for your help.
My problem is that because of my regional convention (Argentina), we use the period "." as the thousandth separator and the comma "," as the decimal separator.
When I try to read a format that the decimal separator is a point ".", The numerical reading generates an error and leaves its value at zero.
How can I cast or modify the code so that this reading is correct for my regional configuration?

For Loop

I am sure this has come up before but does anyone know how you can put a for loop similar to C++ but in IDEA code? I am trying to have a portion of my macro run through the same code over and over again until a final database is formed that doesn't have any outputs.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.