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Questions on Importing

Importing Excel that contains blank Rows

Hi Brian,
We have a spreadsheet that is generated monthly by HR and is dumped into a shared folder in .xlsx format. Unfortunately the top 2 rows of the .xlsx file is used as a header which is throwing IDEA when I try to import the file.
My first guess is to have Excel grab the file open it, remove the rows and re-save the file then import with IDEA. Second is to use Excel to convert the .xlsx file to a .txt and import (ignoring the first few lines).

Multiple file import from report reader

I have a text file, which I have imported through report reader.
There is a template set up to recognise the columns.
I have 12 monthly sales reports.
How can I import, apply template and merge results into one database?
The multiple import function built into idea only allows files of the same type to be imported.
Due to a two step process (taking text file and converting to pdf), I cannot do a multiple file import.
What are the shortcuts I can apply (if any)?

HL7 importing?

I'm looking to import files of HL7 messages. HL7 is a heirarchical message format specific to healthcare. Has anyone flattend a hl7 file, or know of any tools to flatten them prior to import? Or any generaladvice for flattening a heirichacal dat file in you can see, i need your help!  :)
hl7  on wikipedia for the curious:

Automatic RDF Creation

Hi Brian,
I am new in this Forum. It is very helpfull, thank You!
I have got some experience using ACL and IDEA Script. For automatic IDEA import purposes (eg. plain text- or delimited files) I often use RDFCREATOR functions. Unfortunately there are only few information about the procedures into the  RDFCREATORLIB. Do you know, if it is possible to get a better or complete documentation?
kind regards

Linking to IBM DB2 replicated database using ODBC

I tried running my data query in excel and in idea.Neither are correct - Any thoughts on what I am seeing. I was hoping with only 4 fields that either Idea or Excel could import the data correctly, but no luck.Thanks!
Comment = text   = correct
Comment id = column is missing = wrong
Created by = alphanumeric = correct
Reg note id = column is missing = wrong
Comment = numeric (character) = wrong
Comment ID = hexadecimal (character)= wrong
Created by = alphanumeric (character)= correct

Importing a file with blank rows

Every month I have a file that is automatically generated by another department and saved to a shared drive as an .xlsx file. The problem is the top few lines of the file are loginfo such as file title, ID, run time etc., but causes an issue with importing into IDEA since the first row is not the data header row. More specifically, the header starts on row 4, with information on rows 5+