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Questions on Importing

Issue with importing date field from text file

Hi ,
I am trying to import data from a delimted text file which is produced as a result of Sql server bulk copy. After importing, date fields are showing as 'Error'. If I set rawDataType as RawDataType.it_asciiCharacter, then it is working. But data type of the column is shown as Char.
Example date value in the text file: 2/6/2012
A row in the text file will be like this
IN 00059|9082|Purchase ledger|7|2012|7|7/26/2012|7/26/2012|20||1000|0|346.62|C|False
Column delimeter is pipe (|)

The alignment of a PDF file changes in report reader

I found this question on the IDEA linkedin site and thought I would copy it here as it is interesting.

I have a PDF file that looks straight forward and would appear to be an easy file to import. When I import it into report reader the alignment changes and what I believe to be an easy task becomes more difficult. For example, columns don't line up and spaces are inserted into the data. Any ideas for addressing this?

I reprinted the file using a PDF printer, and changed the "Default" properties to "High Quality". The new file worked like a charm!

Importing with the file name

Hi Brian,
I´ve using your fantastic script for importing multiples files but I´ve a found a difficulty that I don´t know how to solve.
When importing multiple files I would like to create a new field so it could show the original file name. This way, when I join the files ( a few hundred)  that I´m importing I can track any item to the original file.
Any ideas for that?
Thank you in advance.

ODBC driver

When importing QuickBooks tables into IDEA via the ODBC driver in the IDEA import window, i sometimes get tables that either have missing information in certain tables or tables that dont have transactions at all. When i go directly into QuickBooks, those transactions are there in the reports.
Does IDEA have it's own built-in ODBC drivers?
Is it a known issue that some information may not be imported when using IDEA's ODBC driver?
Any suggestions on how to fix this? New driver download?

Building an XRDF file to import an XML file

I received an XML file from a client.  I attempted to go through the import wizard and import the file.  I followed the prompts and told it to import all of the fields.  The result was not usable (no surprise there).
So now I am trying to create an XRDF file with the field definitions and I have no idea what the file should look like and I have been unable to find any guidance on what it should contain.  I've spent quite a while on Google trying to locate it (perhaps using the wrong search terms) and I'm coming up dry.  Any help?

Importing Data using ODBC connection

I have the Mastering IDEAScript manual (by John Paul Mueller) and I can't seem to find any examples of importing data using an ODBC connection to Oracle within a macro. It is quite simple using the import assistant but my users have no SQL knowledge. Essentially what I would like to achieve is to create a dialog box which allows the user to enter an ID number and a fiscal year. Using those values as parameters I would like to import the data into IDEA.
SQL Example: