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IDEAScript Discussion


A forum for general discussion/comments on IDEAScript

Inclusion of user inputs in criteria for extraction

Dear all,
I would please like to know how we can leverage user inputs in criteria for performing direct extraction. Currently, I am doing like this :
Getting input from the user
Dim exemplevariable1 As String
exemplevariable1 = InputBox("abc","def")
Perform extraction based on input
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("input.IMD")
Set task = db.Extraction
dbName = "output.IMD" 

Trying to remove lower amount

The attached spreadsheet lists Staff, what patients they were with, the date, times, and amounts. I've been asked if I can remove the lower dollar amount of the claim for each Staff person who saw more than one patient in a day. For example, Joe Dirt saw two patients one 10/1/2013 - I would remove the row with 50.68. Also, I would remove John Doe's patient D with 177.38 that is also on 10/1/2013. Is there is a script that could do this automatically?

IDEA Script Mentor wanted

Is there anyone out there willing to mentor me in the creation/editing of IDEAScript.  I have the book Mastering IDEAScript and have take the first programming class and will take the other 2 as soon as my company will either pay for them or I'll get tired of waiting and pay for them myself.  I'm also looking to take the CIDA soon and maybe after the the CISA too if I can get a handle on scripting.

AND function does not work

I have a dilema with building this equation to extract certain items in my population.
My population contains the following column and I just want to extract [3] and [4] out.
My equation is Category =="[3]" .And. Cateogory =="[4]". This is a valid equation, however my extraction is blank. I was able to extract individual [3] and [4].
does anyone know why? Any input would be appreciative.
Thank you.

Appending files

Hi Brian,
I have a scenario where i need to import multiple files and then append to consolidate to one file.
But always i face this problem where the field types do not match. I end up going to each file copying the data type formats to excel and then correct it in other files. Is there any script which can normalise the field types across all files?

Date Function in Idea

Hi I am trying to script a dailog box where the user can select a table, field name and enter a date. The details entered will perform an extract on the selected table to include all fields that are greater than the date entered. I am having trouble running the extract due to the date field.

Option Explicit
Dim sFilename As String
Dim sFieldName As String
Dim sDate As String
Dim bExitScript As Boolean

Getting file name in the table imported

Hi Brian,
I have 50 excel files with 7 sheets in each file and i would like to consolidate the same into one file with 7 sheets. The file name consists of the name of the organisation. In order to differentiate the contents i would like to append the file name in each sheet that is imported so that when i consolidate i get the organisation name in the table.
Can you help me out with this please.
Padma T