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IDEAScript Discussion


A forum for general discussion/comments on IDEAScript

Run IDEA Script

Dear All,
Hi I am Nilesh from India. I have small query regarding script command for running the IDEA script.
 For e.g. I have several IDEA scripts separately for
1.    Duplicate invoice booking
2.    Duplicate GRN
3.    Invoices more than 1lakhs etc..
Here I have provided user for Input dialog box where user can tick or dot perticuler tests
Then it will run only that test and not all

Random Sampling from multiple databases

Hi Brian,
I am new to scripting but hoping you can help assist.  I have 100+ databases each named "Fund XXX".   Each fund contains a column heading "trans" signifying a specific transaction code.  I need to select 4 random samples with the "trans" code "SELL" from each of the funds.  I then need to export these 4 selections to a database saved as "Fund XXX Sell Random Sample".  Nothing needs to be in excel, everything can remain in IDEA. 

Editor for IDEA scripting

Hi Brian,
I am using the German version of IDEA 9.2 (and have not seen the Canadian original yet). However, I am not really happy about the editor which is included in the software. For testing purposes it is sometimes convenient to comment a whole block of code. I could not find a function to do it in this editor.
Do you use the standard editor for scripting in IDEA or can you recommend a different one?

Bug when using arrays

I found this interesting problem using arrays and it only seems to happen in certain circumstances.

Here is some example code:

Dim aArray() As String

Sub Main
End Sub

Function updateFunctionNames(ByVal fileToRead As String) As String
      Dim oldFunctionsName() As String 'array to hold the old function names
      Dim newFunctionsName() As String 'array to hold the revised function names
      ReDim oldFunctionsName(0)

End Function

Scheduling Scripts

This is a bit of a discussion on the IDEA boards about scheduling scripts.  It seems that users have had mixed results with the window scheduler.  I have never used the scheduler with my scripts so I don’t really have an opinion.  One of the users recommended the following product for scheduling scripts:  I have never used it but thought I would share if anyone else ever has any problems w

Identify latest date in each record

Hi all,
Hoping someone can help with this query. I have database which contains 4 diffrent date fields. I want to compare the the 4 dates of each record and output the latest into a new field called latest date.
Can anbody advise how I would go about tackling this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards,