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Postings from the India IDEA data Analysis software users group


This forum will contian tips from the India IDEA Data Analysis Software Users Group. If you are interested in joining them you can find them on google groups at

Report Reader - Multiline Field Setting

Hello Group Members,
Continuing with our earlier post on “Report Reader - Edit Layer”, we now cover “Report Reader - Multiline Fields” in this discussion post.
Many a times we receive Print Report / Text / PDF Files where one or more of the Fields may roll into multiple lines rather than fit into a single cell on a single line.

Report Reader - Edit Layer

Hi Group Members,
The Report Reader is a powerful yet convenient tool to convert complex Print Report, Text and PDF Files to IDEA for intended analysis.
At the end of the use of the Report Reader, we have the benefit of saving the process applied for conversion as a Template (jpm File).

Pivot Table Result - Send to IDEA Database

Hello Group Members,
We are familiar with the Pivot Table and it’s utility in IDEA.
It’s an invaluable source of insight and provides the foundation for pertinent questions to analytic stakeholders through a simple and convenient drag and drop facility into the Pivot Sheet / View.
The default output of the Pivot in IDEA is a Result / View under the Properties Toolbar (right side of the IDEA screen) for the active database.

Save As Selected

Hello Group Members,
A convenient option to capture a specific set of rows / records / line items from an IDEA database to an independent child file is the function - “Save As Selected”.
Take an example. You have a set of cases (records) where the classic 2-way match rule (control) has failed where “Material Received is more than the Order Size”. Now you notice a set of records in the file having a huge discrepancy - say - material received is 3 times the order batch size.

The utility of Modify Field prior to Append Databases

Hello Group Members,
When faced with the need to merge multiple files in IDEA into a single file for single point testing of analytical objectives, Append Databases is our Go To Function.
A very important precondition to applying Append Databases is that the underlying files in IDEA to append (merge) need to be in the same format - same field names and field types.
We have all at least once in our analytic journey in IDEA come across