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IDEAScript Questions

Defining variables and assinging then a value

Hi everyone!
I'm a beginer in Idea Script and here is a code i ended up with after having recorded a macro :
Sub Main
Set db = Client.OpenDatabase("GLOriginal-Travaillé.IMD")
Set task = db.TableManagement
Set field = db.TableDef.NewField
field.Name = "TYPE_DE_COMPTE"
field.Description = "Ajouter une type de compte pour bâtir TCD"
field.Type = WI_VIRT_CHAR

Doing algebraic operations

I uploaded an image below. There you should see two records. And I want to do an algebraic operation, namely division, between the two "NET" values, i.e 486.449,01/-189.093,80 and then I want to display the result in a new field and in a new database. How can I do that either with IDEA itself or with IDEAScript? Like divide the NET value where HESAPNO == "1" with the NET value where HESAPNO == "3", so that I can perform similar operations for other values of HESAPNO as well

Join Multiple Databases

I have a database with several codes and abbreviations in it. Second thing are all the lists with the full text description, what this codes mean. Now I want to add the text description from the lists to my database. Is there a possible way to join multiple lists in one task? I dont want to create 100 or more databases but the usual join function always creates a new dabase after every join. I found a way, to join multiple fields (with different matching fields) out of one secondary list, but not out of different lists. 

Windows tasks. Programming Ideascript task execution. Is it possible

Hello, everyone. I'm quite sure I read something, somewhere...just can't fetche the source to my memory right know. But I'm quite curious about this topic: Iknow windows let you schedule a program execution by selecting in this cases ideascript.exe, but I wonder what could be the arguments I would be passing to the task manager wizard in order to program an ideascript periodical execution?
Thanks in advance,

Renaming certain columns in every file the working directory

I'd like to rename the field names that fits a certain list in every file of my project.
For example:
Some files in my project have columns named "YEAR", "DATE", "BALANCE" and they have to be renamed into "YEAR_1", "DATE_NEW", "BALANCE_X". So they don't get the same extension but every field name has a new field name without some logic behind it.
It would be nice, if one could have a dialogue box with every .IMD file in the project where you can check which files should be scanned for old field names and replace them with the new ones.