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IDEAScript Questions

Exporting summarised instances

Good morning,
I have a summarisation report with 54 records each of those has a number of instances that renges from few thousands to more than two millions.
Now, what I need to do is to export each row in a separate csv or txt file that will be sent to the relevant audit unit.
Is there any script that could help me in having typefile needed and automate the export  process? 
Those 54 entities could become more than 100 at the end of the year and I need to automated the process.
Thank you very much for your help.

Issue with numeric fields

I tried to solve this issue I'm having, but couldn't find a solution.
The code I upload work very well when a user choose date fields or character fields in the dropdown boxes. However, in case of numeric fields chosen, it says that "Bad equation provided"
The part I'm talking about is the following:
If extractionType Then
If IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi1) And IsNumeric(acilirListeVerisi2) Then
eqn = acilirListeVerisi1 & " <> " & acilirListeVerisi2

Double Quote Issue

I want to let users type 20181231, so I want to get the following via letting a variable be equal to that date users type.
task.AddExtraction dbName, "", acilirListeVerisi1  & ">" & " ""20181231""  " 
That is if I let var=dlg.txt1, then how should I modify (task.AddExtraction dbName, "", acilirListeVerisi1  & ">" & " ""20181231""  ") so that I can still get the desired code when a user type 20181231 manually?

Adding multiple radio buttons

Hi, I tried to add multiple radio buttons to the script, but so far only the first radio button is working. That is, no mather which radio button I choose when doing extraction, it always gives me this result:
Extraction Criteria:      (@DToDays(İRSALIYE_TARIHI) - @DToDays(BELGE_TARIHI))  > 7
PS: İRSALIYE_TARIHI and BELGE_TARIHI are date fields and 7 is the number of days.
Could you please tell me why this is not working?

Seemingly unrelated change to dialog is causing FileSystemObject methods to throw internal error

I apologize in advance for the length of my script and the fact that it probably fails to follow a host of best practices in IDEAScript and/or VBScript... I'm pretty new to this, so bear with me :)

Doing summarization task with dialog buttons

Hi. I found this code here and tried to utilize it in one of my tasks.I want the user select two fields to see for example how many different companies have the same IBAN numbers by doing summarization task. So, the user needs to first choose IBAN, then needs to choose the company. Here actually I want to detect that these companies' names are failed to be saved previously.
I am completely new to this program and ready to take all the advice and help. Thanks in advance!

ODBC Connection using IDEA Script

Hello everyone,
I've trying to create an ODBC Connection using IDEA Script Code (to work with Microsoft Power Bi). First it seems to be easy: Simply use cmd commands. But i couldn't find the right command. Access Database and Excel works fine, but I'm missing the right command for the IDEA ODBC Driver.
This is, how I've tried it:
(It's german, Treiber means Driver)
Phrase1 = "odbcconf configdsn"
Phrase2 = """CaseWare IDEA Treiber"""

Working with Arrays

I am working on a project that involves populating multiple drop down lists via arrays with the field names from a previously selected database. There is also an array that is being used to populate information for another part of the process. The problem I am running into is that once I add in my 3rd drop down menu (4th time an array is being used) I keep getting the error: "Subscript out of range". Am I missing something that would clear the array each time I use it? Below are some sections of my script:

Appending Data files to Header files that are not transposed

Hello everyone
Can somebody please assist if this is possible. I have over 100 files with data and 100 coresponding files with headers (column names of the data files). All 100  data and header files are in different names, but sharing names as pears. The header files have all the headers in one column (all headers are in rows). Thus, I was wondering if there is an IDEA script or way to traspose the header files first and then append each trasposed header file to its corresponding data file. Please help if possible.
Thank you. 

Delete parent database without deleting child database

is there a way to script deleting a parent database without deleting child database. When I do this manually it comes up with the option: would you like to delete child database? Is there a way to script this? (havening been able to find anything)
thanks for your time,