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IDEAScript Questions

Performing same macro on same files but with different file names

Hey guys,
I've got the following task:
In order to check bookings, I created the macro, that does everything I need it to do.
The tables I run the macro on, always have the same structure. My problem is with the file names - they always have a time stamp in their name, from when they're downloaded.
I'd like to automate the macro, so that they can run on any file without having to rename the files everytime.
The file names look like this:

Ask user to select Two Databases then perform some actions.

I have been asked to compare expenditures related to  the same client over two years.
I need to create a DialogBox that prompt the user to select the databases and call them to do some grouping and comparison.
I was trying to get inspiration from Brian's youtube video but I got stuck with a sintax error I can't understand.
I attach the ISS file.
As I am still learning how to code I will go with doubling the test on each of them and use a recorded macro to work with DBjoin, comparison and Analytical Review.
Thank you for your help.

How to get drop list box result

Hello Bryan,
I have a problem with my dialog box.
I created one with IDEA script dialog box menu and add an drop list box.
My problem is that I can't mange to know what did the user picked up !
I've search for a solution for a such long time but didn't manged to fix it.
I tried this in my code :
Button = Dialog (Dlg1) ' Dlg1 is the name of my dialog box 
If Button = -1 Then
MsgBox "You selected" & Dlg1.DropListBox & "as the color" 
MsgBox "You clicked Cancel."
End If 
Could you help me ?

Modifying existing script

How hard is is it to take an existing script and cut out the part you want and add it to a new script that I've written?  For example Brian has a script called Date Creation Database and I want his dialog box (opens a box where you enter a start date and an end date and then buttons for equal to, etc) but I want to add that to a IDEAScript that pulls certain columns from a table (database).  Then apply criteria to dates to show me those invoices who have doc dates less than invoice receipt dates.

Find similarity between two words in ideascript

I have a huge database (1 million records) en which I would like to find similarities within one field. The problem is that Fuzzy function is too slow. I have tryied to do it comparing one woth the rest by using ideacript, but I can't find the function which gives me the similarity between two names.
SimilarPhrase and SimilarWord aren't working in ideascript. Does anyone know how to find if two names are similar, from ideascript?
Thannk you!

create list

Hi, i want to analyse a dataset with a number of financial statements elements and periods. The problem i have is that for the analysis i need for every element all the periods. But the source file sometime doesn't have a mutation in a period.
How do i create this:

Financial statement element






