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IDEAScript Questions

Append field using a local variable.

I have developed this script.
I want it to get the value Materiality and return a new field with YES or NO for additional filtering (i.e. PerfMateriality and Sampling).
The code is stuck on task.AppendField field as Syntax Error.
Could you please help me?
This is the code.
Sub Main
Dim Materiality As Long' Could set to 2 decimal places & do similarly for the following two variables
Dim PerfMateriality As Long
Dim SamplingThreshold As Long

Looking Advice on How to Implement a Same-SameOrNull-Different Test

I'm currently trying to identify duplicates in our vendor file. I'm tackling the issue of using the address, because I'm able to find a lot of potential duplicates which we would not otherwise identify (e.g. John Doe and ABC Corp at 1234 Main St).
The manual algotrithm which I'm doing currently works on three criteria:

Is the a way to automatically replace databases when the script is running?

Hi There
May you please possible assist. I was wondering if there is an IDEA scripting function, methode or piece of code in IDEA that will allow IDEA to automatically click on "YES" when the script is asking for the existing database to be replaced. The problem I have currently is that I have large scripts and i have to sit there and press yes everytime there's a database that needs to be replaces, in order for the script to continue running.
Thank you.  

Check for multiple conditions

Hi there,
I have the following two tables that i'm trying make a test as below:
Table 1
User | transaction 
User1 | transaction1
User1 | transaction2
User1 | transaction3
User1 | transaction 4
Table 2
Case ID | 1st transaction | 2nd transaction | 3rd transaction
Case 1 | transaction1 | transaction 2 | transaction 4

global variable

Hi, I am new to using IDEAScripting. I would like to define global variable(s) in the main sub that I can then use in functions. Could you give me an example of how to do this? I am doing this so that I can change the name of the database to re-use the macro. Currently I am having to define the same variable in each function. 
thanks for your time,

Build exe with External Variables

I'am new with IDEAScript, and i have some doubts...
I made an Script using External Variavels. So, IDEA made a file with extesion name ".EVARS". But, when i build the file for EXE, the build just dont save the external variavels file and the build does not call it too.
My questions is, exist any other way to compile with in the External Variabels our just put them in ISS file?
I just dont wanna use both files...