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Questions on Importing

IDEAScript importing xls and xlsx files

Hi, I'm new to IDEAScript and I wonder if there's any way to modify the code below that I found on this webiste to import xls and xlsx files to IDEA. and Is there a shortcut to browse files in Source Files.ILB?
Thanks in advance!
'Option Explicit
Public files()
Dim sExcelPathLocation As String
Sub Main ()
'get the folder info
sExcelPathLocation = BrowseFolder() 'Is there a shortcut to browse files in Source Files.ILB?'
'I wanted to include xls and xlsx files in the code below'

Automated Data Import to IDEA from Python (Pandas DF)

Dear all,
I want to import several tables into IDEA which I basically currently have in memory as (Python) pandas dataframes with intact tables schema (thus, correct dtypes, there are strings, integers, dates, floats...). I would like to find an easy way to automatically import many such tables to IDEA and preserve schema information. To do so, I had a look at the IDEA Import Dialog and I considered several options but did not find a nice solution yet.
I considered the following options:

Import Text File Dont Load

I am working on Data Analysis in the licensed Idea program.I perform the data by importing text file of 5 GB on average.
But I would like your help on one issue.
When I select and transfer the files, as in the attachment, even though the filling is completed. It does not load. It does not continue, in short, I cannot make any progress. Although I transfer the same data, the same size of data in 5 minutes, some of them are stuck in this way.
I will be grateful if you could help me.
I perform the files on a high-capacity and performance server.

IMD files are excessively huge

Hi all
Firstly, my apologies if I've posted to the wrong forum section...
At work we use Caseware IDEA (v11.1 if it matters) to analyse large datasets, but something I've noticed is that the output files (saved as *.IMD) end up being colossal in size. I've opened some smaller ones in a text editor and I see a massive amount of references to "NULL" in the values, which I'm assuming is an empty value in the databases that were imported.

Issue with importing date field with time value from text file

I am trying to import a delimited text file and i keep getting 'error' value for the date field after import.  The date field has time values (e.g. 2019-04-6 24:56:44.00) and i use the YYYYMMDD.
How can I go about this as if I change the field type to character, it comes out fine but i would not be able to perform date related analysis on that particular.

Using IDEA Script to import first excel worksheet in file

I am trying to create a script that will automatically import the first excel worksheet for an excel (,xlxs) file.  In each case when i run the script I want to import the first worksheet in the file regardless of the worksheet name. The excel file will always have the same name however the worksheet name will change depending on the date it is run.
Is there a way I can do this using IDEA script? To import the worksheet at present, i have to specify the sheet name each time e.g. task.SheetToImport = "sales01012020".