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Questions on Importing

Save credentials to execute scheduled tasks

I have managed to improve three queries to avoid input of data, because I need to automate those to generate data every first day of the month. I have a clear idea about what to do about windows schedule manager, but the problem comes with the following situation.
Everytime I need to import data and select the odbc connection, I need to provide my credentials (user and pass), by the way we use SYBASE.
Is there a way to save credentials in other place and load it to run the schedule task on windows?

Importing limited portion of multiple PDF having different lenght.

Good morning I am trying to import just a specific portion of the PDF file that have the same structure but different lenght due to the number of paycodes used by the clients.
I need to retreive the transaction as per layer in the picture 1 and stop doing at the point of the picture 2
I have created the a two layers template to get a file with an indicator,  the layer of the picture 2 was meant to give me some marking point as to where to split the outputfile and get only transactions needed. Picture 3

Importing Messy TXT Data

Good morning,
I have searched for topic like this but I did not find it.
I have a quite messy txt I am trying to import. I attach a small excerpt.
The best try was delimiting by Tab and modify the type of data field but it still not workable.
File too large to be imported in excel, but it looks like it is able to split it and import the data even though it doeas not convert dates properly.
Do you know how overcome the issues?
Many thanks

Can't get report reader to read a pdf

I'm having an issue getting IDEA to recognize the text in PDFs, I've had it happen across multiple different files.
The PDF looks fine when I open it in Adobe Reader, the text is highlightable, I can't use OCR because the text is already selectable.
But when I go to import the PDF into IDEA, it just gives me blank lines. Any idea why that is?

work around 1024 character limit for text fields

is there a way to work around the 1024 character limit during the import?
For example split the field with more than 1024 characters into two or mor fields.
I have to import Log-Files and some fields are definitive longer than 1024 characters.
Due to the amount of files I'm not able to split them manually.
Thx in advance

Importing ODBC excel file

Hey Brian.I am trying to prepare a script which lets user to open a excel file with ODBC. I uploaded my sample excel and this is my code so far. I looked some of your codes in different examples but I couldn't achieve the result. I am getting an error at  ";DefaultDir=" part which wants me to  specify folder location. There is a syntax error at that part. Any help is appreciated. Have a nice day.
Dim sFilename As String
Dim workingFolder As String
Sub Main