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Syntax: DateDiff(Interval as String, Date1 as Date, Date2 as Date, Optional DayOfWeek, Optional WeekOfYear) as Long


Interval - There are 10 different types of intervals.  Depending on the interval the DateDiff() well return the number of units in the Interval.  Below is a list of the 10 items.  In the script below I used constants to better define them.


Test to see if Array is empty

This function will test to see if an array is empty or not and will return true or false.  I added a line at the beginning of the function to make sure the err.number is 0, I had it happen that it would show an error but the error wasn't caused by the testing but by something else.

The following is an example on how to use it:

Dim myArray() as string

Checking for a list of charcters in a string

I came up with this function while trying to validate a filename for a script.  The function will take a string and a list of characters to look for and will return true if the string contains one or more of those characters.  An example would be looking for \/:*?"<>[]| as these characters should not appear in a filename, so if they exist the filename is not valid.  You would call it in the following way:

checkForSpecialChar(newFilename, "\/:*?""<>[]|")

Using listboxs to select files/fields

A common problem with IDEAScript is there is no easy way to select multiple files or fields.  This script shows you one way of performing this operation.  This is a working example script.  It has a main menu that allows you to open the listbox dialog.  The main menu also allows you to select which type of fields you want to display, when you select ok you will have a message box of the fields that you selected.  You can download the code.


IDEA v9 was recently released to users for upgrade or purchase.  You can find more details on the IDEA web site

I was fortunate enough to be one of the beta testers on the project and enjoyed working with the upgrade.  Here are a few of the new features of the product.

The most obvious is the use of ribbons instead of menus.  IDEA has gone the Microsfot route of using ribbons.  It takes a bit of getting used to after so many years using menus but once you have used it long en