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Copy Header Info


The script will copy the header info from one file to another file.  This can be used when importing an excel file in which the data is over several tabs but the header info is only on the first tab.  The script will take the header info from the first and copy it to the second file.

The script was updated on March 17, 2016.  It now has an option to copy the old header name to the field description so that information is not lost.

renameFields Function

Function: renameFields
Purpose: To rename fields within a file
Input:    sTempFilename: the name of the imd file that contains the fields to change
             sOldFieldName: The name of the field that is to be changed
             sNewFieldName: The new field name
Returns: True if fieldname was changed False if the field name could not be changed
Problems: Currently does not work for some Editable fields

Export Delimited File


This script gives additional options for anyone wishing to export an IDEA file in a delimited format.

2015-08-15 - Updated the script so that the if you user select to include field names that they are separated by the selected field separator and not the ",".  Also added code to format numbers, it seems that if you had a number like 12.10 it would be stored in the text file as 12.1, this has been fixed.

Date Picker

One of the items that the IDEAScripting dialog lacks is a date picker.  I recently saw a post on the IDEA forum that they had the script for one but for some strange reason weren't releasing it on the scripting section, so I decided to try and create a date picker for my use and anyone else that wants to use it.

The attached script has the code for the date picker along with an example of how to use it with a dialog that asks for the user to enter a date.

When you start up the example script you will have a dialog with two edit boxes where the user can enter a date:

Import Multiple Files


This script is now available as a SmartAnalyzer application, it is available through Passport with the Utilities SmartAnalyzer applications.  Please consider purchasing this application as it helps to support this web site.

This script will allow you to select and import multiple files at the same time.

March 16, 2014 - Updated - added an option for delimited files to select the first row as the field names.

April 8, 2014 - Updated - there was a bug in the select files dialog that would not allow you to move a file from the right panel to the left.