Skip to main content update

Hello everyone,

As some of you might have noticed the site has been down for that past month or so.  The main reason was that the site needed a major refresh and the platform that I was using to create the site was nearing its end of life.  Unfortunately, the platform had been rewritten since I had created the site so there was no easy upgrade path, that is why it has taken so long as there was lots of trial and errors on my part to get the site up and running with the latest software.

Array to hold all Field Information

I use the Type procedure that allows you to create a user-defined data type containing one or more elements.  I create an element for each of piece of information that is contained in the field then I use this type as an array and populate it with all the field information.  This is an easy way to get all the information on the fields in a database in a quick manner.

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